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Published: 23-Apr-14
What Is Pinterest All About?
What Is Pinterest All About?

There’s something on the internet that’s more visited than Google+, and this is called Pinterest. The site allows you topost contents on the web that you find interesting on what they call pinboard. You can also pin your own pictures and videos and allow other users to repin them to their boards.

What makes Pinterest really attractive is that it can organize contents really well. For instance, if you’re planning to walk down the aisle soon, all you need to do is to search for wedding-related pins and everything you need to include in your wedding. You can search online for bridal gown and wedding cake designs and post them on your pin boards. So with Pinterest you can plan a wedding, save your inspirations, redecorate your home, compile your own recipes and a whole lot more. This is one great way to organize and share all the stuff you find interesting on the web.

If you’re new to the site, you might be confused at first. But a few times of using it will make you familiar and even fascinated with it. In fact, some users find it really addicting.

In order to familiarize yourself with Pinterest there are some important terms you need to know, which are often used in this site. A pin is a term used to refer to an image or video, which was taken either from another website or uploaded from your camera or computer. When uploading any pin, make sure you add a description to it as this will make it even more interesting to users.

Boards are where you put and organize your pins. You can arrange your pins by board or topic. New users are usually directed to a number of boards by default. However, you can always rename or delete these boards to suit your own interest. This means you can use your pin boards to collect everything from countries you’ve already visited to recipes you’re planning to cook to home organizing ideas.

Following is another term used in Pinterest. If you’re using Twitter, then this is something you’re already familiar with. In fact, it works much the same way as Twitter because here you can follow just about anyone. Depending on your preference, you can follow all the boards of other users or just a few of their boards. You can also use your Twitter and Facebook accounts to sign up in Pinterest, this way you can check who among your friends are already using Pinterest.

Repins in Pinterest work in much the same as the retweets in Twitter. Repining refers to sharing a photo you found on the boards of users you’re following or of images you’ve come across while looking through Pinterest. With repining, Pinterest gives the credit to the original source of the image. When you repin an image, you have the option of either editing or adding to its description. Just remember that no matter how many times an image is repined, links to its sources stay with it. Also, you can repin any image from any other Pinterest users, whether or not you’re following them.

Pinterest also makes use of the word like, but liking an image doesn’t automatically add it to your boards; the likes will only be added on your profile. Again, you can like pins of users even if you’re not following them.

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