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Published: 23-Apr-14
Social Media for Business. How to Optimize your Facebook Page
Social Media for Business – How to Optimize your Facebook Page

Business owners should consider using Facebook as either their main or alternative marketing strategy. This revolutionary social media site has taken the world by storm, and in a couple of years, has generated the following numbers (data is official Q1 data from Facebook):

- There are 1.11 billion Facebook users - There are 665 million active Facebook users daily - There are 50 million Facebook pages - There are 751 million Facebook mobile users - Average daily Facebook likes is 4.5 billion - Average number of page likes per Facebook user is 40

The list goes on, but these numbers are the main focus as to why business owners should never ignore Facebook. At any given time, your Facebook page could be liked by a fraction of those 665 daily Facebook users. Even if your page has garnered a thousand likes, it can still do wonders for boosting your business’s traffic, regardless if you have a physical office or an online store.

If you want to attract more Facebook users to your page, here are a few tips on how you can optimize it for search engine visibility and increased Facebook visibility:

1.) Include the complete name of your business – Don’t skimp on your business name on Facebook. It’s a good way of building your brand and your existing customers could be looking for you. For example, if your customers know you as ABC Laundry Centre, that should be your Facebook page name. Having your complete business name is also important because there’s a chance that your business may have the same name as another business, like ABC Consultancy.

2.) Include complete details – Your business address and contact info should be posted on your page’s ABOUT US or ABOUT section. This should give your customers an idea on where to find you or how to get in touch with you outside of Facebook.

3.) Provide proper tags and names for your videos and images – Your images and videos should have proper tags, like if you’re showcasing a new gaming rig then your photo should have the tag or title of “New Gaming Rig”. It should be relevant to the content you’re posting.

4.) Provide links when necessary – When posting a status, Facebook creates a thumbnail of any link to a website. This should make it more enticing to click on because your viewers already have a glimpse of what the link contains. When posting content, whether it’s image or an article, try to insert your website’s link when necessary. Don’t spam though.

It’s really easy to optimize Facebook pages. If a 13 year old kid can run a page, I’m betting so can you.

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