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Published: 20-Jul-12
Baby Einstein Picture-Embrace The Natural Wonder Of Children
The Baby Einstein picture that would become the logo for the company was drawn by Julie Clark, at her kitchen table, in 1996. The logo is cute and you can definitely tell that these products are for children due to the design of the logo.

With the Baby Einstein picture in her head she wanted to embrace the natural wonder of children and create a product to go along with all of the things that children learn and discover and experience in their very early lives.

Think about it, because children are brand new beings, every moment that comes along is also brand new to them. Those things that we have learned to take for granted are full of wonder and excitement for them.

Julie Clark understood this and all of the products are geared toward the way children see them and other family members and parents can learn to see everything from their child's point of view once again.

What a refreshing way to go about living your life. Seeing, hearing, and experiencing everything from a blade of grass up to some of the most popular classical music ever written.

When Disney acquires the Baby Einstein company from Julie Clark in 2001, they kept the name, the logo and the spirit of everything that Julie Clark set out to do. The Discovery Kits all come with a DVD, music CD, a book or cards to help parents help their children develop and experience their world in a whole new way.

Currently there are nine Discovery Kits to choose from and many come in sets of three. All Kits also come with not only English, but French and Spanish versions as well.

The first three Discovery Kits are in Level 1 which is the Experience Level. The three Kits in this Level are Baby Beethoven, Baby Mozart, and Baby Lullaby. Each one gives your child the gift of music with plenty of relaxing sounds and pictures to go along with it.

The next three Discovery Kits are Level 2 which is the Explore Level and include Animals Around Me, Neptune's Ocean, and Wild Animal Safari. Think about what it would be like to take your baby on a safari right in your own living room.

The last three Kits are in Level 3 which is the Expression Level. The three Kits in this level are World of Colors, World of Rhythm, and World of Words. All three help your child learn to express himself by letting him join in the fun and play along with each Kit as it delves into each of the three different genres presented.

Since there are so many Discovery Kits available you should be able to keep up with them as your child grows and get them learning almost from day one. They say that infants can learn right from the beginning and even when they are in the womb.

So, don't get left out of the big Baby Einstein picture and go get your first Discovery Kit as soon as you can and start your baby off on the right foot.

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Republished with author's permission.